Safe Equipment Design
Safe Design of Equipment
Taking the entire product life cycle into consideration, we carry out product risk assessments as early as possible in the development phase. We implement safe equipment design*1 to reduce the risks posed to humans by incorporating the assessment results in the design. We conduct global surveys of increasingly strict laws and regulations and conduct compliance checks through third-party assessment bodies to ensure conformity with international safety standards and SEMI Standards*2 on the equipment we ship. We have also established a system to comply with safety regulations of the regions where our equipment is delivered while working with overseas subsidiaries.

Intrinsically - safe design: A design concept that eliminates the cause of the machine’s harm to humans through the safety design of the machine
SEMI Standards: SEMI Standards are regulations formed by SEMI, an international industry body which serves manufacturers of semiconductor production equipment, display production equipment, PV power generation equipment, materials and the like, to unify all of these international industrial standards.
Safety Education
In recent years, it has become increasingly important for us to ensure compliance with international safety standards and guidelines early in the equipment design and development processes. Since fiscal year 2008, we have been offering its engineers web-based training on safe equipment design. Through risk assessment exercises and examples of actual accidents, the participants acquire basic safety knowledge for equipment design.
In fiscal year 2016, we revised the education program using updated information, including new safety standards.

In addition to the training for design engineers, we are also promoting equipment safety education for all workers in areas such as manufacturing, start-up, service, and on-site logistics. This allows these employees to apply the knowledge to the handling of equipment as well as assist in the development of safer equipment. From fiscal year 2017, lectures and training by outside experts are provided.