Call for proposals to reduce the environmental burden of procurement logistics

In an effort to reduce the environmental burden of procurement logistics, TEL is promoting a modal shift from truck to rail as well as reductions in the volume of packaging materials used. To reinforce these efforts, TEL is inviting business partners to submit a broad range of proposals for reducing the environmental burden of procurement logistics throughout the supply chain.

Application guideline

TEL recently introduced a supply chain initiative called E-COMPASS. Determined to act as a strong industry leader under our corporate philosophy, “We strive to contribute to the development of a dream-inspiring society through our leading-edge technologies and reliable service and support,” TEL is inviting business partners to submit a broad range of proposals for reducing the environmental burden associated with our value chain.

Eligibility requirements

Business partners supplying materials to TEL are eligible, and proposals must be focused on logistics regarding the delivery of supply to TEL or locations specified by TEL.

How to apply

Email the following information to the address below.

Subject: Tokyo Electron E-COMPASS proposal on procurement logistics
Information to be included in the message:
Company name
Contact information
Description of your proposal to reduce the environmental burden of procurement logistics

Document checks and screening

TEL’s personnel in charge will check the document and conduct screening. Successful applicants will be notified in due course. If needed, in-depth discussions with the applicants will be initiated.

Criteria for screening

To be selected, the proposal must match with the intent of this program and could reasonably be expected to contribute to the reduction of the global environmental burden.


The submitted information will only be used for the purpose of screening and selection within TEL (including TEL Group companies). In principle, applicants are to disclose only the information they feel comfortable sharing with TEL.

Contact for queries: