Announcement on Organization Changes and Personnel Changes

Tokyo Electron (TEL) announces the following changes in organization and personnel.

1. Changes in Organization effective on July 1st, 2024

We will establish and appoint Division Officer (re-branding from existing Division Head) who will lead respective division operations, together with TEL group employees globally to achieve Medium-term Management Plan. Division officer is responsible for respective division’s global operations for our sustainable growth, with Corporate Officers. Corporate Officer, who will share the enterprise level vision with CEO, will continue to lead long term growth strategies and corporate value enhancement, as well as to coach Division Officers. In line with the above structure changes, we will establish the following new divisions: Global Customer Engineering Division, Frontend Process Business Division, Corporate Strategy Division, and Finance Division.

<Organization chart of July 1st, 2024>

2. Personnel Changes for Corporate Officers of Tokyo Electron effective on June 18, 2024*


Continuing Position**

New Position

Current Position

Toshiki Kawai
  Director, President & CEO
Corporate Officer
General Manager, 
  Corporate Innovation Division
Sadao Sasaki  
Senior Executive Vice
  Representative Director
Corporate Officer
Chair & Representative Director,
  Tokyo Electron
  Technology Solutions Ltd.

Development & 
  Production Division
Corporate Production   
Division Officer,
  Corporate Production 
Project Leader,
  Business Innovation & 
  DX Promotion Project
General Manager, 
  Corporate Production Division
Tatsuya Nagakubo
Corporate Officer
Executive Vice President &
  General Manager 
Global Business
  Platform Division
  Finance Division
General Manager,
  Global Business Platform Division
Project Leader,
  Business Innovation Project
Internal Control
Chairman of Ethics Committee
Chairman of Sustainability Committee
Chairman of
  Risk Management Committee
Chairman of
  Information Security Committee
Member of the Board,
  TEL Magnetic Solutions Ltd.
Member of the Board,
  Tokyo Electron India Private Ltd.

Seisu Ikeda

Corporate Officer
Executive Vice President
  & General Manager
Account Sales Division
General Manager,
  Account Sales Division
Member of the Board,
  Tokyo Electron U.S. Holdings, Inc.
Member of the Board,
  Tokyo Electron Korea Ltd.
Yoshinobu Mitano
Corporate Officer
Executive Vice President
  & General Manager
Corporate Innovation
General Manager,
  SPE Business Division
Takeshi Okubo
Corporate Officer
Executive Vice President
  & General Manager
Global Sales Division
Global Customer
  Engineering Division
Member of the Board,
  Tokyo Electron India
   Private Ltd.
General Manager,
  Global Sales Division
General Manager,
  DSS Business Division
Member of the Board,
  Tokyo Electron FE Ltd.
Member of the Board,
  Tokyo Electron America, Inc.
Member of the Board,
  TEL Manufacturing
  and Engineering of America, Inc.
Member of the Board,
  Tokyo Electron Europe Ltd.
Member of the Board,
  Tokyo Electron Taiwan Ltd.
Member of the Board,
  Tokyo Electron Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Keiichi Akiyama
Senior Vice President &
  General Manager
Corporate Officer,
  Backend Process 
  Business Division
Division Officer,
  Backend Process 
  Business Division
Member of the Board,
  Tokyo Electron U.S. 
  Holdings, Inc.
General Manager,
  Backend Process
  Business Division
Member of the Board,
  Tokyo Electron
  Technology Solutions Ltd.
Member of the Board,
  Tokyo Electron Kyushu Ltd.
Hiroshi Ishida -
Corporate Officer,
  Frontend Process 
  Business Division
Division Officer,
  Frontend Process
  Business Division
Senior Vice President & 
  General Manager
Member of the Board,
  TEL Manufacturing
  and Engineering of
  America, Inc.
Vice President &
  General Manager,
Member of the Board,
  Tokyo Electron Miyagi Ltd.

* Personnel changes of directors of domestic subsidiaries will be effective on General Meeting of Shareholders of each subsidiary. The effective date for overseas subsidiaries depends on registration procedure of each country. Division officers, Executive officers and executive positions will become effective on July 1st, 2024.
** Some Continuing Positions of Subsidiary's Board of Directors are described only about President and Chairman.

3. Personnel Changes for Division Officers, Executive Officers of Tokyo Electron effective on July 1st, 2024*


Continuing Position**

New Position

Current Position

Shinichi Hayashi  
Senior Vice President &
  General Manager
President &
  Representative Director,
  Tokyo Electron Kyushu Ltd.
Division Officer,
  Development & 
  Production 3rd Division
General Manager,
  Development & 
  Production 3rd Division 
Fumihiko Kaminaga
Senior Vice President
  & General Manager
Division Officer,
  Global Sales Division
Member of the Board,
  Tokyo Electron Europe Ltd.
Member of the Board,
  Tokyo Electron
  Singapore Pte. Ltd.
 Deputy General Manager, 
  Global Sales Division
 Hiroshi Kawamoto Senior Vice President
  & General Manager
Division Officer,
  Finance Division
Deputy General Manager,
  Global Business
  Platform Division
General Manager,
  Finance Unit
Member of the Board,
  Tokyo Electron BP Ltd.
Shingo Tada
Vice President & 
  General Manager,
  Account Sales
Division Officer,
  Account Sales Division
Member of the Board,
  Tokyo Electron Korea Ltd.
Deputy General Manager,
  Account Sales Division
Sumie Segawa
Vice President &
General Manager 
Division Officer,
  Corporate Innovation Division
Chair, Member of the Board,
  TEL Venture Capital, Inc.
Vice Division General Manager,
  Corporate Innovation Division
Tatsuya Aso
Vice President &
  General Manager
  Human Resources,
  General Affairs Unit
  Legal, Compliance Unit
Division Officer,
  Global Business Platform Division
Internal Control
Chair of Ethics Committee
Chair of
  Information Security Committee
Kazuhiro Doh Vice President &
  General Manager
Division Officer,
  Corporate Strategy Division
Chair of Sustainability Committee
Chair of
  Risk Management Committee
General Manager,
Vice President,
  Corporate Strategic
  Planning Dept.
Hiromitsu Kambara  Vice President &
  General Manager
President &
  Representative Director,
  Tokyo Electron Miyagi Ltd.
Division Officer,
  Development & 
  Production 2nd Division
General Manager,
  Development &
  Production 2nd Division
Yuichiro Morozumi Vice President &
  General Manager
President &
  Representative Director,
  Tokyo Electron
  Technology Solutions Ltd.
Division Officer,
  Development & 
  Production 1st Division
General Manager,
  Development &
  Production 1st Division
Soichiro Kori  - Division Officer,
  Global Customer Engineering Division
Vice President &
  General Manager,
  Product Engineering,
  Global Customer
  Engineering Division
President &
  Representative Director,
  Tokyo Electron FE Ltd.
Member of the Board,
  Tokyo Electron America, Inc.
 Vice President &
  General Manager,
  CS Division 
  Tokyo Electron Miyagi Ltd.
Takashi Mineshima  Vice President &
  General Manager,
  IT Unit
Project Subleader, 
  Business Innovation & 
  DX Promotion Project
Project Subleader, 
  Business Innovation Project 
Yasuhiro Washio Vice President & 
  General Manager,
 - Vice President,
  Clean Track Marketing Dept.
Vice President,
  Surface Preparation
  Systems Marketing Dept.
Hiroshi Ishida Vice President & 
  General Manager, 
  TEL Manufacturing
  and Engineering of
  America, Inc.
Member of the Board,
  Tokyo Electron Taiwan Ltd.
Kimihiro Higuchi Vice President & 
  General Manager
General Manager,
  Global Business Platform Division
Project Subleader, 
  Business Innovation & 
  DX Promotion Project
Deputy General Manager,
  Global Business Platform Division
Makoto Oba Vice President & 
  General Manager
General Manager, 
  Account Strategy Planning,
  Account Sales Division
Account General Manager,
  Account Sales Division
Masaki Yoshizawa Vice President & 
  General Manager
Chief Strategist
Project Subleader, 
  Business Innovation & 
  DX Promotion Project
Deputy General Manager,
  Global Business Platform Division
Tetsuya Nishiara  - Vice President & 
  General Manager,
  ES BU,
  Frontend Process
  Business Division
Vice President,
  Etch Systems Sales 3rd Dept.
Member of the Board,
  Tokyo Electron Miyagi Ltd.
Vice President,
  Etch Systems Sales 1st Dept.
Yohei Sato General Manager,
Vice President & 
  General Manager
Member of the Board,
  Tokyo Electron
 Technology Solutions Ltd.
Member of the Board,
  Tokyo Electron Kyushu Ltd.
Koki Shirai
  Tokyo Electron U.S.
  Holdings, Inc.
  Tokyo Electron America, Inc.
Vice President & 
  General Manager
Mark Dougherty
  Tokyo Electron America, Inc.
  TEL Manufacturing and
  Engineering of America, Inc.
Vice President & 
  General Manager
Bill Lussier
President &
  Managing Director,
  Tokyo Electron Europe Ltd.
  Tokyo Electron Israel Ltd.
  TEL Magnetic Solutions Ltd.
Vice President & 
  General Manager
Jaihyung Won
President &
  Representative Director,
  Tokyo Electron Korea Ltd.
Vice President & 
  General Manager
Roger Chang President,
  Tokyo Electron Taiwan Ltd. 
Vice President & 
  General Manager
Jay Chen President,
  Tokyo Electron
  (Shanghai) Ltd. 
  Tokyo Electron
  (Kunshan) Ltd.
Vice President & 
  General Manager
Hideki Ito President &
  Managing Director,
  Tokyo Electron
  Singapore Pte. Ltd.
President-cum- Managing
  Tokyo Electron
  India Private Ltd.
President &
  Managing Director,
  Tokyo Electron
  (Malaysia)  Sdn. Bhd.
President &
  Managing Director,
  Tokyo Electron Philippines
  Semiconductor Support Inc.
Vice President & 
  General Manager

* Personnel changes of directors of domestic subsidiaries will be effective on General Meeting of Shareholders of each subsidiary. The effective date for overseas subsidiaries depends on registration procedure of each country.
** Some Continuing Positions of Subsidiary's Board of Directors are described only about President and Chairman.

4. Personnel Changes for Executive Officers of Tokyo Electron Ltd. effective on July 1st, 2024



Toshiki Kawai
Representative Director, President & CEO, Corporate Officer
Sadao Sasaki
Senior Executive Vice President, Representative Director
Corporate Officer, Development & Production Division, Corporate Production Division
Division Officer, Corporate Production Division
Project Leader, Business Innovation & DX Promotion Project
Chair & Representative Director, Tokyo Electron Technology Solutions Ltd.

Tatsuya Nagakubo

Corporate Officer, Global Business Platform Division, Finance Division
Executive Vice President & General Manager
Seisu Ikeda
Corporate Officer, Account Sales Division
Executive Vice President & General Manager
Yoshinobu Mitano Corporate Officer, Corporate Innovation Division
Executive Vice President & General Manager
Takeshi Okubo Corporate Officer, Global Sales Division, Global Customer Engineering Division
Executive Vice President & General Manager
Keiichi Akiyama Corporate Officer, Backend Process Business Division
Division Officer, Backend Process Business Division
Senior Vice President & General Manager
Hiroshi Ishida Corporate Officer, Frontend Process Business Division
Division Officer, Frontend Process Business Division
Senior Vice President & General Manager
David Brough Senior Vice President & General Manager, Global Strategy
Chair, Tokyo Electron Europe Ltd.
Masayuki Kojima Senior Vice President & General Manager
Chair & Representative Director, Tokyo Electron Miyagi Ltd.
Shinichi Hayashi Division Officer, Development & Production 3rd Division
Senior Vice President & General Manager
President & Representative Director, Tokyo Electron Kyushu Ltd. Technology Officer, Tokyo Electron Kyushu Ltd.
Fumihiko Kaminaga Division Officer, Global Sales Division
Senior Vice President & General Manager
Hiroshi Kawamoto Division Officer, Finance Division
Senior Vice President & General Manager
Shingo Tada Division Officer, Account Sales Division
Vice President & General Manager, Account Sales
Masahiro Morita Vice President & General Manager, Account Sales, Global Sales
Takashi Mineshima Vice President & General Manager, IT Unit
Project Subleader, Business Innovation & DX Promotion Project
Yasuhiro Washio Vice President & General Manager, CTSPS BU
Shigeki Nakatani Vice President & General Manager, TFF BU
Sumie Segawa Division Officer, Corporate Innovation Division
Vice President & General Manager
Chair, TEL Venture Capital, Inc.
Tatsuya Aso Division Officer, Global Business Platform Division
Vice President & General Manager, Human Resources, General Affairs Unit, Legal, Compliance Unit
Internal Control, Chair of Ethics Committee, Chair of Information Security Committee
Hiroshi Ishida Vice President & General Manager, DSS BU
Chair, TEL Manufacturing and Engineering of America, Inc.
Kazuhiro Doh Division Officer, Corporate Strategy Division
Vice President & General Manager
Chair of Sustainability Committee, Chair of Risk Management Committee
Hiromitsu Kambara Division Officer, Development & Production 2nd Division
Vice President & General Manager
President & Representative Director, Tokyo Electron Miyagi Ltd.
Kimihiro Higuchi Vice President & General Manager, Planning, Global Business Platform Division
Project Subleader, Business Innovation & DX Promotion Project
Kunihiko Hinata Vice President & General Manager
Technology Officer, Tokyo Electron Miyagi Ltd.
Makoto Oba Vice President & General Manager, Account Strategy Planning, Account Sales Division
Kazuhide Hasebe Vice President & General Manager
Technology Officer, Tokyo Electron Technology Solutions Ltd.
Yuichiro Morozumi Division Officer, Development & Production 1st Division
Vice President & General Manager
President & Representative Director, Tokyo Electron Technology Solutions Ltd.
Masaki Yoshizawa Vice President & General Manager, Chief Strategist
Project Subleader, Business Innovation & DX Promotion Project
Soichiro Kori Division Officer, Global Customer Engineering Division
Vice President & General Manager, Product Engineering
President & Representative Director, Tokyo Electron FE Ltd.
Tetsuya Nishiara Vice President & General Manager, ES BU
Yohei Sato Vice President & General Manager, ATS BU
Koki Shirai Vice President & General Manager
President, Tokyo Electron U.S. Holdings, Inc.
Chair, Tokyo Electron America, Inc.
Mark Dougherty Vice President & General Manager
President, Tokyo Electron America, Inc.
President, TEL Manufacturing and Engineering of America, Inc.
Bill Lussier Vice President & General Manager
President & Managing Director, Tokyo Electron Europe Ltd.
Chair, Tokyo Electron Israel Ltd.
Chair, TEL Magnetic Solutions Ltd.
Jaihyung Won Vice President & General Manager
President & Representative Director, Tokyo Electron Korea Ltd.
Roger Chang Vice President & General Manager
President, Tokyo Electron Taiwan Ltd.
Jay Chen Vice President & General Manager
President, Tokyo Electron (Shanghai) Ltd.
President, Tokyo Electron (Kunshan) Ltd.
Hideki Ito Vice President & General Manager
President & Managing Director, Tokyo Electron Singapore Pte. Ltd.
President-cum- Managing Director, Tokyo Electron India Private Ltd.
President & Managing Director, Tokyo Electron (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
President & Managing Director, Tokyo Electron Philippines Semiconductor Support Inc.

5. Personnel Changes for Corporate Director, Executive Officers of Subsidiary effective on July 1st, 2024*


Continuing Position

New Position

Current Position

Shoji Akaike 
- Senior Executive Vice President,
 Tokyo Electron (Shanghai) Ltd.
Senior Executive Vice President,
 Tokyo Electron (Kunshan) Ltd.
President &
  Representative Director,
  Tokyo Electron FE Ltd.
Regional Manager,
 Fuchu Technology Center
Katsuyoshi Yagi
President &
  Representative Director,
  Tokyo Electron BP Ltd.
Member of the Board,
 Tokyo Electron (Shanghai)
 Logistic Center Ltd.
Regional Manager,
 Fuchu Technology Center
Kazuhiro Tokuda Vice President &
  General Manager,
  Tokyo Electron Kyushu Ltd.
General Manager,
 Product Engineering,
 Global Customer
 Engineering Division
Member of the Board,
 Tokyo Electron FE Ltd.
Nobuyuki Kawata Vice President,
 Trade Control Dept.
Chair of Export
 Trade Control Committee
General Manager,
 Finance Unit, Finance Division
Member of the Board,
 Tokyo Electron BP Ltd.
Deputy General Manager,
 Finance Unit
Noritaka Yokomori Chair, Manager,
 TEL Technology Center,
 America, LLC
General Manager,
 New Business
 Development Planning,
 Backend Process
 Business Division
Chairman,Member of the Board,
 TEL Venture Capital, Inc.
Member of the Board,
 TEL Manufacturing and
 Engineering of America, Inc.
Vice President &
  General Manager,
 Tokyo Electron Miyagi Ltd.
Deputy Division
  General Manager,
  Corporate Innovation Division
General Manager,
 Digital Design Center
Keiichiro Shiki
Vice President &
  General Manager,
  Tokyo Electron Technology
  Solutions Ltd.
Member of the Board,
 Tokyo Electron (Kunshan) Ltd.
Makoto Shinto Vice President,
 Governance Dept.
General Manager,
 Group Governance,
 Legal, Compliance Unit
 Tokyo Electron (Shanghai) Ltd.
Deputy General Manager,
 Legal, Compliance Unit
Yinghua Tan HR Manager,
 Tokyo Electron (Shanghai)
 Tokyo Electron (Shanghai) Ltd.
Takafumi Mioka Director,
 Intelligence & Application
 Development Dept.
Regional Manager,
 TEL Digital Design Square
- Member of the Board,
 Tokyo Electron India  
 Private Ltd.
Ken Sasagawa - Senior Vice President,
 Tokyo Electron Europe Ltd.
Vice President &
  General Manager,
  Tokyo Electron Technology
  Solutions Ltd.
Takao Sasaki - General Manager,
 Planning & Management,
 Global Customer
 Engineering Division
Vice President &
  General Manager,
  Tokyo Electron FE Ltd.
General Manager,
  Global Service Solutions,
  DSS Business Division
Assistant General Manager,
  Tokyo Electron FE Ltd.
Nobuyuki Ishibashi - Vice President &
  General Manager,
  Tokyo Electron FE Ltd.
Vice President,
 Tokyo Electron FE Ltd.

*Personnel changes of directors of domestic subsidiaries will be effective on General Meeting of Shareholders of each subsidiary. The effective date for overseas subsidiaries depends on registration procedure of each country.