Supplier Hotline for Whistleblowing

The Tokyo Electron Group promotes group-wide compliance; we have a "Supplier Hotline" for whistleblowing with the aim of early detection and the prevention of compliance issues that violate/breach the following:
・Tokyo Electron Group Code of Ethics; and
・supply or service contracts
If you discover any behavior that violates/breaches or could violate/breach compliance in our group’s business activities, either by a director, an officer or an employee, please contact the hotline shown below.

Please note the following before using the hotline.

  1. Please contact the person in charge at each of our group companies for consultations regarding business such as our products and service.
  2. The details and personal information of the whistleblowing shall be viewed by the person in charge of the compliance department of Tokyo Electron Ltd., which operates the "Supplier Hotline." The information collected, including any personal information, shall be used only when necessary to respond to the reported issue and shall not be disclosed to third parties without the prior consent of the whistleblower except for disclosure to specialists such as our legal advisers or law enforcement as required by law.
  3. We strictly prohibit retaliation against the whistleblower or his/her employer.

  • Supplier Hotline for Whistleblowing
  • *This Hotline is a confidential, third-party hotline service available in multiple languages.
      You may remain anonymous, and it is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.